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يوفر هذا الموقع الخاص فرصة إستعراض الخطوط العريضة للمحتوى والموضوعات التي يعالجها المركز وبشكل مجاني للمتابعين والعملاء. كما يوفر خاصية التفاعل والتعليق على الموضوعات التي تنشر على الموقع وبما يتناسب مع القونين والأنظمة المتعارف عليها عالميا ومحليا وتتوافق مع فلسفة المركز التي تركز على الحرية والحيادية والمصداقية وخدمة قيم التسامح والاختلاف بين البشر وخدمة السلام العالمي..
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Welcome to the official website of the Shorufat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies (SCGTS) in Amman. This platform serves as a comprehensive resource for exploring the Center’s research, discussions, and analyses on critical global issues related to terrorism, security, and international relations.
We invite visitors to engage with our content, share insights, and contribute to meaningful discussions. Your participation helps foster a diverse exchange of ideas, reinforcing our commitment to freedom, neutrality, and credibility in research and dialogue.
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Director of the Shorufat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies (SCGTS)
Saud Al-Sharafat ,Phd
Dr. Al-Sharafat is a Brigadier-General (Ret),General Intelligence Directorate(GID).member of the National Policy Council (NPC), Jordan, 2012-2015. The founder and director of the Shorufat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies(SCGTS) Amman.
A seasoned counter-terrorism and human rights expert with over 29 years of experience in intelligence, national security, and policy development. Former Brigadier General (Ret) of the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate, Director of the Shorufat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies, (SCGTS) with a distinguished record advising governments, UN agencies, and international organizations on integrating human rights into counter-terrorism strategies. Recognized for spearheading high-level initiatives that balance security imperatives with protecting civil liberties and international legal standards. A prolific researcher, published author, and media contributor dedicated to advancing international human rights protections in a global security context.
His research interests focus on globalization, International Political Economic ,terrorism, Intelligence Analysis, Securitization,Security Cooperation, and Jordanian affairs. Among his publications: Haris al-nahir: istoriography al-irhab fi al-Urdunn khelall 1921-2020} {Arabic} {The River Guardian: the historiography of terrorism in Jordan during 1921-2020}, Ministry of Culture, Jordan, www.culture.gov.jo (2021). Jordan, (chapter)in the Handbook of Terrorism in the Middle East, Insurgency and Terrorism Series, Gunaratna, R. (Ed.), World Scientific Publishing, August 2022, 47-63 https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811256882_0003. Chapter” Securitization of the Coronavirus Crisis in Jordan, “Aslam, M.M., & Gunaratna, R. (Eds.). (2022). COVID-19 in South, West, and Southeast Asia: Risk and Response in the Early Phase (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003291909
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Intelligence Gathering and Analysis, Open-source intelligence (OSINT), Terrorism and counterterrorism, Political Islam, Islamic Religious Extremist, Globalization Process, Global politics, International Political Economy (IPE),former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, Media & Social Networks Impact, Refuges and Immigration, Jordanian Affairs.