هل حقاً أن تنظيم داعش كان يدعم ويرحب بوصول ترامب للرئاسة الامريكية ؟
هنا في مقالةMara Revkin لمجلة فورين افيريز الامريكية شواهد من تصريحات قيادات في داعش تؤكد ذلك .ويمكن العودة للمقالة كاملة على رابط المجلة .https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/middle-east/2016-11-14/isis-perfect-
تعليق لا بد منه :
كانت المجلة من خلال متابعتنا قد اتخذت موقفا معارضا بشدة لترامب .ولذلك فأنه من المتوقع أن يتم الربط القسري وغير المنطقي او العملي بين ترامب و داعش .
few months ago, while analyzing jihadist chatter on social media, I was surprised to discover that Islamic State (ISIS) supporters were literally praying for a Trump presidency. At that time, an ISIS spokesman wrote online “I ask Allah to deliver America to Trump.” Meanwhile, an ISIS supporter posted on Telegram (an encrypted messaging application that hosts numerous jihadist channels) that “the ‘facilitation’ of Trump’s arrival in the White House must be a priority for jihadists at any cost!!!” It seems illogical that ISIS would prefer the candidate—now president-elect—who has vowed to “bomb the shit out of” the group and refused to rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons against it. Yet, in the aftermath of the election, ISIS supporters and other jihadists are gleefully celebrating Donald Trump’s victory. The official newspaper of Ansar al-Sharia in the Arabian Peninsula, an al Qaeda front, went so far as to predict that “Americans will remember 11/9 the way they remember 9/11.” In the eyes of jihadists, Trump is the perfect enemy.
Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric plays into jihadist narratives of a world in which the West is at war with Islam. ISIS’ view of international relations is based on a stark division between two antagonistic realms: the lands governed by the caliphate, which it calls dar al-Islam (“the domain of Islam”), and the lands of its enemies, known as dar al-harb (“the domain of war”). In this black-and-white world, ISIS seeks to eliminate what it calls the “gray zone”—multicultural societies, especially in the West, where Muslims and non-Muslims coexist peacefully.