ملخص مترجم
يناقش هذا التقرير فرضيات انهيار الصين مستقبلا كما انهار الاتحاد السوفيتي سابقا .
وجهات نظر تستحق التحليل والنظر والمتابعة .
د. سعود الشرفات
China has too much money and no good place to put it. That’s why you get bubbles in the stock market and in the real estate market
The Soviet Union had no money and Gorbachev had to call on Helmut Kohl begging for $2 billion to pay current expenses. He got only $1 billion. The Gorbachev Files: Secret Papers Reveal Truth Behind Soviet Collapse – SPIEGEL ONLINE
This was what happened in Shanghai Exchange since last August. The correction went back to the level of this February.
How would you like China to collapse? Collapse from having too much money and no place to put it except gambling with it in the stock market?
The Shanghai stock market is basically a glorified gambling market. Just because something is called a “stock market” doesn’t mean it behaves like the stock market you know. And this one clearly does not. Three charts explaining China’s strange stock market The chart below shows you how the Shanghai stock market has nothing to do with S&P. No correlation at all.
The Chinese government issued a report back in 2012, basically saying that about 60% of people lose money in the stock market, 20% break even, and 20% make money. 85% of the investors there are individuals. This is all widely known, and there is still no way to stop people trying out their luck there. One picture I saw floating around on the web is this one below, where the individual investors are represented by the pig there, with the caption: “Is it time to kill the pig?” “Let’s wait a bit more.”